Pastor Peter showing us his farming property he hopes to develop.
Praying at one of our events.
Standing with some of his foster children he has taken in.
Let me introduce you to one amazing man. Pastor Peter who is doing some amazing things
in Liberia through his love for his people and his devotion to Christ. I knew that he had a foster care program and that he helps Global and FMN on a volunteer basis, but I had no idea HOW MUCH he is doing in Liberia until I took my recent trip.
Many of our special needs kids and their families live in the same area as Pastor Peter. When he took us out to see the kids we were surrounded by the children he
has taken in to his home, many who came from his village. He knows each of the
families he overseas, loves them, tries to get them food and tells them about the
love of Jesus. You can tell his love for children by the pain and desperation I saw
in his eyes as he asked us to take pictures of children who's mothers had died and will eventually need adoptive homes. He told me his heart just hurts each time he
has to visit a medically needy child and he cannot get them help.
He advocates for families all over Liberia hoping to bring them hope.
Hope their children will receive medical care.
Hope they will eat at least one meal a day.
Hope they will have clean water.
Hope that they will know and trust Jesus as their Savior.
So much of that hope depends on his Christian brothers and sisters in the States.
There are NO resources to draw from in Liberia. And God is sending his people. Laying
the pain of this Pastor on our hearts, his dreams and hopes becoming ours.
Two of the women who went with us had no idea how God would use them on this trip.
Kari has her eyes on adoption, but seeing the Pastors farming project she felt called to help him. Denise who always had a heart for missionary work, fell
in love with a little deaf boy we have in our program and she is now sponsoring him
and advocating for his care.
Pastor Peter took us to his village where a well had just been put in. He cried as he told us of the needs of the village. Even though they now have clean water, the need for food and medical care is huge. Along with his farming project he hopes to open a medical clinic that will cater to the poor.
Another one of his dreams is to build a school. A school that will open up doors for poor children, that will break the cycle of poverty that they are doomed to without
an education. He showed us where they have started to mold bricks for the project.
All of the cement has to be HAND mined by other Liberians with passion for change, and by yes, the Pastor himself when time allows.
For Global and FMN he is always there to answer questions, give directions, advocate when needed and he is one great tour guide! Oh and did I mention he has a church? He is the pastor who preaches on Sunday and leads a flock among ALL of the other things he feel God has called him to.
So I ask you to pray for this man. One man who may be instrumental in changing Liberia for Christ. One man that will show hundreds of children, women and men that there is still a God that cares and is moving in their country. One man who will
pull the heartstrings of another country to come along side of him and fill a dream.
One of the most impressive things I was told about Pastor Peter was when he was asked why he gave up his bed, his personal bed to a poor (poored than him) family, he answered "because they needed one."
To me that says it all.
Oh God, let that be my heart.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. - John 15:12-13
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