The Professor giving a speech thanking Global for starting a fund to build wheel
chair ramps.

Professor Flomo teaching people about the Caustic Program.
During my trip to Africa in April we visited an amazing man and his family. I was told
that Global was raising money for a college in Liberia that needed wheel chair ramps, but being my focus is mainly on Forget-Me-Not children, I wasn't prepared for what blessings would come from that donation.
We had to drive three hours to a college campus. Once we arrived we were driven to several on campus homes to see if any would accommodate myself and my four other companions. After we settled in we were invited to Professor Flomos home for dinner.
I felt like honored royalty at his home. All of his family, wife and children, served us something to drink and carried all of their living room furniture outdoors
so we could sit in the open air. No one in Liberia has air conditioning and the only electricity is generators which, few can afford.
A goat was slaughtered for our dinner earlier, meat being a rare treat in Liberia and we were served a delicious meal with rice.
Shortly after the meal the Professor started telling us his life story and we all stayed on the end of seats in anticipation of everything he was telling us.
At age ten he was taken to the Dr. for a boil on his head. They gave him a shot
in the hip and from that time on he could not walk. The shot paralyzed his legs.
Now in America this would be a tragedy, in Liberia it was devastation.
But the Professor, with an amazingly determined spirit insisted he still needed to
go to school. So after bugging his father over and over he allowed him to go.
There were no wheelchairs or cars to drive him so he had to crawl. He would have
to take an extra pair of pants with him because he would be covered in dirt when
he got there.
Now when he told us this I just had to breath a huge breath of air out and ponder
how ANYONE could have that kind of drive. He wasn't just driven to go through
high school but continued on to college.
Oh and that is just his scholastic story. The one that touched my heart to tears was
his falling in love with the woman he was determined to marry. He told us from
the minute he layed eyes on his wife he knew he would marry her... but things
were just not that easy for a man in a wheel chair.
You see Liberians see a disability as a curse. The father of this woman also believed
that he could never take care of his daughter and he refused the request of marriage.
No way was Professor taking that for an final answer. Now come on, the man had crawled to school.... he could get her dad to change his mind. So he continued
to ask and God opened up the perfect circumstance for the Dad to finally agree.
And as he finished telling us this story he called his wife over, sat her in front of
him, leaned over to her and said "and I still love this woman today." Ok, I am crying now and so sure I had just heard one of the most beautiful love stories ever
That wasn't the only person he was absolutely and totally in love with. He proceeded to tell us about his love for Christ. How he had walked with him all his life and that he believed, with all his heart, if he followed his commands he would be blessed.. and you know what, he is.
And those blessing fall over to us and our program. The professor is on Global Orphan's board of directors in Liberia. Also the little brother he raised, who loves Christ with that same passion is our nurse for our program. Now who else could bring
us a CHRISTIAN nurse, raised by a handicapped brother, who was driven and still
is to overcome his disability and help others overcome theres, but Jesus?
This year the college opened there doors to 11 special needs students... unheard of
in Liberia Africa. Without special equipment, special teachers or even knowing how they would afford it, but stepping out in faith with the professors help.
So this loving, humble, amazing man's car breaks down, his only means of transportation. And he has asked for our help. The car will take 2000
dollars to fix, a million dollars in Liberia.
So again I cry out to God to send people willing to donate to someone they don't
even know.... in faith. Because it doesn't matter that he is in Africa, France
or China, he is our brother in Christ and he needs help.
My god promises to supply all our needs.
So I wait in faith......
My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10) and the earth is His and the fullness thereof (Psalm 50:12). But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19 KJV)