We started back with worship and bible study today. I have slowly, so very slowly,
stopped doing worship and bible study in the mornings since we moved to Texas.
I would use the excuse in my head that I had so many things to do... and I reasoned,
I was still having my own devotions.....
But the spirit of God was gently tapping on my spirit saying "this is the heart of what we
are doing Tanya, teaching the children about me, leading them closer to my spirt."
Then someone I was praying for needing encouragment homeschooling a difficult child
and I said "the academics would come, but teaching our children about Jesus... that had to be
now, every minute."
I was ministring to my own spirit at the time.
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16.26
This is the reason we homeschool. Because everything in the world can be learned... in the future,
when they have their spirtual legs, but now it is their souls that need tending to.
Yes we do academics. But Jesus is the main subject!
This is the song we sang today in Worship. I cried throught the whole thing.
When I wonder through the desert And I’m longing for my home All my dreams have gone astray.When I’m stranded in the valley And I’m tired and all aloneIt seems like I’ve lost my way I go running to your mountain.Where your mercy sets me free
You are my strong tower Shelter over me, beautiful and mighty, everlasting kingYou are my strong towerFortress when I’m week
Your name is true and holyAnd your face all I seeYour face is all I see
In the middle of my darknessIn the midst of all my fearYou’re my refuge and my hopeWhen the storm of life is raging And the thunders all I hearYou speak softly to my soul
Thank you, I had a me bad parent moment tonight.. than you for reminding me why I keep my kids close to my knee for the time I am able.